Page name: Followers of Vulgarity [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-27 01:44:25
Last author: CassieHFox
Owner: Tyrant Calhoun
# of watchers: 22
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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This is a member page for all the fans of Dir En Grey. Join if your a fan of their beautiful sorrow.

#1 [Tyrant Calhoun] ((Wiki Leader.))
2. [Sabrina Catherine]
3. [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]
4. [Cult Video]
5. [Whiskers]
6. [Th3MrB3nz3dr1n3] WHOO! Sorry. ^ ^;
7. [saraaaah!]
8. [Bastet]
9. [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]
10. [superego]
11. [Sara=^-^]
12. [Kurumi Means Walnut]
13. [bluebell]
14. [wiliam the bloody]
15. [gonegonegone] hmmm they are very sexy
16. [mutter]
17. [Neon_Corpse]
18. [♠unlucky starz♠]my name up in blue! woooo!! *why no lights?*
19. [stephie k]
20. [kittykittykitty] me, me, me!! <3
21. [Enneigard Rebirth] hey look its kitty!!! ^
22.[Othello.] I should be the second member!! wahhhh!!*forgot to sign up* I LOVE THEMMM!!!!!!!
23. [Clever Sleazoid.]
27. [コカゲちゃん] YES!
28. [Monster Master] YaY!
29. [Human Casualties] kyo is god. enough said.
30. [psychosis] wow hehehehehe
31. [MadHatress] dir en grey rules!
32. [Zombiie Natiion]
33.[//*Ghost*//]i love dir en grey
34. [RazMaTaz]
35.[Hachi-Poof] Myaa~I didnt even know you made a DIG wiki Nana!!
36. [Monster Master]
37. [Ravendust] It's funny that the day after I've joined the site I'm now here :D
38. [wiliam the bloody]
39. [CassieHFox] - I'm obsessed with setlists.

Back to Vulgarity: A Tribute to Dir en grey

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2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: you draw him all the time!

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yes yes. Very very true. Hes my main char and I try to improve him lots.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: ^^ well, he's hot, no matter how you draw him.

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ive just gotta prove ya wrong on that!!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: suuuuure...

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: OH YOU WILL SEE!!^___^

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: yeah, right.

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: You will.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: sure.

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ahahahah! MUAHAHA! NOT HOT!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: yeah right! Doku ALWAYS looks hot.... espescially when he's unbittuned lol

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol...which is almost always cus I like...his ...unzippednes...but Doku CHIBIS arent always hot!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: huh?

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: oooo another person!

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yup! I recruited him! Arent I great? XD *yea right*

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: you are the greatest person I know.... next to [the ravenous pink cow of doom]

2006-02-12 [Whiskers]: I am Tyler!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: I am Sabrina. I have a cousin named tyler. He's SO adroable.... but not as adorable as my cousin benny who is two and can say dammit, and knows when to say it too ^^

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Thank you! Thats flippin cool! Your great too!!^__^ (((And I loveth his cow stuff))

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: ((I know... I sent him a graphic a friend of mine had.... he recieved it when we were in class together..... I can never get myself to talk to him.... oh well... I play his daughter in the play *squeels*

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Cooolio!^_^ What play is it/

2006-02-12 [Whiskers]: *Is confused*

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: bye bye birdie. Max plays the mayor of sweet apple ohio, and I play alice, the mayor's daughter and one of the girls in the teen chorus.

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: sorry Whiskers.  Cool^_^ I just saw my neighborings town musical yesterday. They put on Les Miserab.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: oooo, my mom has been trying to get me to watch that movie....

2006-02-12 [Whiskers]: I played as the Mayor in our production of it . . .

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: les miserab??)) Its so.....i dunno...they all die.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: sweet! I have to go to bed..... sorry.... my dad is going to bed, so I have to.....

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Awww...okie dokie.

2006-02-12 [Cult Video]: Good day to all!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: hi

2006-02-12 [Cult Video]: How be you?

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yup! great day. *I slept till like three ahahahahHA!*

2006-02-12 [Cult Video]: I did that once. ^-^

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol. I was like S**t! What time is it?? 0.0

2006-02-18 [Whiskers]: I slept until about noon today . . . I was up until, like, 2:30 in the morning

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Shiny.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yesh~!!! May the whole WORLD develope bad sleeping habits!!! muahahaha

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: I heart sleep.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I hate falling asleep, but I love sleep...once Im sleeping...does that make any sense??

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: A bit. I guees. ^-^

2006-02-19 [Sara=^-^]: ooooOOOOOooo. i sleep very not often. i go to bed at like 10:30... and then wake up at like... 5:30. tis exiting. XD

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Really? Wow...joo don't sleep very much...I sleep lots..if i can.

2006-02-19 [Sara=^-^]: i would LIKE to sleep lots... but im not usually allowed to sleep in...

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh sorry..that has ta suck. Omg have you guys been to ? its so awesome and has tons of dir en grey videos!! TONS~

2006-02-19 [Sara=^-^]: actually... if you go to google search... and go to more options... and search video... then search Dir en grey... you can download the videos for free. ive got clever sleazoid on my video iPod. XD

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: You don't even have to download them on youtubes.....did ya know that Clever sleazoid is in english??

2006-02-19 [Sara=^-^]: yes. WAKE UP YOUR DEAD!!! doing meaningless shit over and over... .....think you moran!!!! fall out of line you...COCKROACH!! ONE DAY I WILL FUCK YOUR PARENTS!!! i heart the animation they use. XD i love kaoru.XD XD

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: The cockroach on the rocking horse is priceless.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I know!!! Omg....The song..does it make sense to you? First it seems like he's saying that he is nothing...and that he would spill his guts....then he says 'you' should commit suicide...then...he says that we can't break his and the bit about parent fucking...? 0.o

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Engrish. Pure engrish.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: wha??.........

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Well, you can't uinderstand what they say. So its like, english but...customized. Ha I don't know.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yea..but did he know what he was singing???....

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: I'm not sure.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol^_^ soo...Omg..someone mad a vidoe of deg to the numa numa song...never thought I'd see that..

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: I HEART that video. Hells yes.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: You do?? Wow. ^___^ I couldn't read what it said at the bottom..that madeth meh sad.

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: I read it. I sorry it saddened you.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: aww.....Did you see when kyo fainted? Theres also a vid where Kaoru falls off the stage and smacks his head on the corner.

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Answering for [Sara=^-^]:Cool and no.

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: A blunt answer.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ahh yes. very blunt. Sorry. I just saw all these vids and wanted to talk about them. gomen nasai. *bows*

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Baka yokanai!!!!! I kidd.

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ahaha....Thanks. *doesn't know what the signifigance of thanking you is.*

2006-02-19 [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses]: i know i sound stupid but how did ya dowload the videos on to your ipod??? i just got one lol

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Lol I have a PSP and I don't know a thing about it. ^-^

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I don't know how either...I don't even know how to work my mp3 that we know everyone here kinda sucks with electronics..*coughcough* ^_^

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: I don't have any of those things! *Lives in a cave*

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ohh..Im sorry for joo..*although I havent used my mp3 player once.* I use ta not have a scanner...and that sucked..

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: I don't have a scanner, either . . .

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh boi..sorry!^_^ Hey. If you go to you cand find lots of awesome dir en grey videos.^_^

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: I already saw the Clever Sleazoid one . . . it was . . . odd

2006-02-19 [superego]: *is in the same dilemma as [Whiskers] is* .... thank you for the link. i'll go look! XD

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: No prob. You'll be there forever! There are so many videos!!

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: There are! Scheiza!

2006-02-19 [superego]: i know. i love it!! Thanks again!1 :))))))

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I know!! Soo cool! *Sreams like a fangirl* Kyaa!!^___^

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh, Joo welcome!

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: Thankee-soh *Bows*

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Your welcome!!!! ^___^ I can't believe how awesome they are live!

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: Mwa-ha-ha! I have countered [superego]'s mood with my own!

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: MY MOOD COUNTS TOO THOUGH!!!! ((and it represents dir!))

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Muheeheheeeheee!!

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: Oh, no! I'm being ganged-up on!

2006-02-19 [superego]: O:o

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol^_^ I luff the Miyavi, I just like Dir En Grey...a smidge better...Okay I like Deg a lot more then Meev's kun....

2006-02-19 [superego]: *laughs*

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: *Coughs.* Its friggin cold... Anyways I can't wait to see them in America mya!! *dances happily.* ((Why doesh I say teh same things all the timeth??))

2006-02-19 [superego]: I wish I could see them!! I'm so jealous!!

2006-02-19 [superego]: I live in Finland! in the middle of nothing...  WTF! this is so unfair....          they should come here.....

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh Im sorry! *bows* I didn't know!'ve still got the net? ^^'...

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ((i have ta go. Sorry!))

2006-02-19 [superego]: yes i do. my entire social life is controlled by it. O;O

2006-02-19 [Whiskers]: I want to see DEG in concert! Where are they playing and when?

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: I think they are going to be in the Taste of Choas tour in Japan.

2006-02-19 [superego]: I wish I could go there!!

2006-02-19 [Cult Video]: Same here.

2006-02-19 [superego]: *sighs in desperation*

2006-02-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ahaha....Whiskers, theyre also playin' in America this summer.

2006-02-20 [Whiskers]: That's what I was talking about, foo

2006-02-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Shush foo! I don't know when exactly. They haven't given out much info yet.

2006-02-28 [Sara=^-^]: i heart cage. *smiles*

2006-02-28 [Cult Video]: ^-^

2006-02-28 [superego]:   : )

2006-02-28 [Whiskers]: *Dances around*

2006-03-18 [Cult Video]: Ha. I be listening to Jessica now. Do you guys like that song?

2006-03-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yea.^_^

2006-03-23 [Cult Video]: Its pretty. I dance to it alot.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Really...Dance to it/??

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: Well...its foot tapping.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: OOhhhh. I get it! >.<!! Im such an idiot HAH!

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: No. My fault. I should've said it so it could be more understood.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Hey, I know this is a deg wiki, but have you heard of Gazette?? They're copycats of Deg, but I do enjoy listening to them...they aren't as good though..eheh..

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: I never heard of them. I guess I'll look them up. So is their music the same or only their apperance?

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Umm They try to be like Deg, but they're kinda more like a mix of Deg and Miyavi...

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: Ah.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Have ya seen them?

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: Who?

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Gazette..

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: Ah. No. I'm gonna get around to it in a few.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh, no prob! Ya don't have to. Im just wierd...and tired, sorry if Im annoying and rambling. hee..

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: No no. I need to learn! And talking is cool cause no one talks to me anymore. Heh.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: You need to learn what?

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: About random things...I guess.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: AHAHAA!! Thats funny as heck! Heeehee! but man am I soo tired. I gotsta go. I might be on tommorowowowow thogh! Okies?

2006-04-14 [Cult Video]: Alrighty. Bye.

2006-04-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Bye..toodles. toodleoodleoo!

2006-04-14 [Whiskers]: Hi, everyone!

2006-04-26 [superego]: Hi!

2006-04-26 [Cult Video]: Yo.

2006-04-27 [Tyrant Calhoun]: *Achoo*

2006-04-27 [Whiskers]: Bless you

2006-04-27 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Thanks! ((I actually did sneeze, lol))!!

2006-05-01 [Cult Video]: Sneezing is cool.

2006-05-01 [Tyrant Calhoun]: You'd better believe it!!

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Hells Yes! *High Five*

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: *Puts hand up and then pulls it back down.* "Who's gay?" *Laughs at you and your raised hand.*

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: *Puts hand down* Well...psch. Whatever.

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: LOL. Sorry. I've been doing that to random people lately and when you said highfive...I couldn't help it! XD

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: It's Cool. Its all good, Homie.

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Cool^_^ g..?

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Hells yeah you know what I mean all up in the hizzouse westside?

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol! Yea..Im a gangsta... lol^_^ I know nothing about rap...Im gonna go make a grill woo

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Fo Shizzle.

2006-05-02 [♠unlucky starz♠]: fo shizzle ma nizzle!!

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: LOL^_^ What does all of this mean??

2006-05-02 [♠unlucky starz♠]: like any of us know that!! hahaha!! dont be silly!! ^.^

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol^_^ So Im NOT alone!! Nobody knows what that stuff means!

2006-05-02 [♠unlucky starz♠]: hehe! hell yeah!! i think its jus a lil gansta thingy that is code for "heya"! lol!! ^.^

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yea! They're just "too cool" To say Heya!

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: <_<

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: 0.0? Did I say something mean?

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: What? Nope. Its all good. Why?

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I thought I mightve upset you for some reason. Nevamind.^.^

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Ok! ^-^

2006-05-02 [stephie k]: hello!

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Yo.

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: HI dere!^_^

2006-05-02 [stephie k]: i thought id join in with the conversation, i'm bored

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Boerdom is cool.

2006-05-02 [stephie k]: YAY! ^-^

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: .....yea...boredom..

2006-05-02 [Cult Video]: Whoo!

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: tralala...

2006-05-03 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lalalalaaaaaaa!!!! (everyone claps and appauldes the musical talent of me and [Tyrant Calhoun])

2006-05-03 [Cult Video]: *Nodds*

2006-05-04 [Whiskers]: Fo sho

2006-05-04 [Cult Video]: Fo shizzle in the hizzile.

2006-05-04 [Whiskers]: *Nod-nod*

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: boo ya!!

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: i'm not even going to bother asking what is going on...

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: nah! i wudnt lol!! ^.^

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: lol! ok i'll leave you to speak gibberish then...

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: its gangsta... innit!

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: oohh...oh no, i'm definately leaving...AAAAHHH!

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol!!!! run and hide before it engulfs ur brain!! lol

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: lol! i think it already has i live in a place where gangsta talkis our natural accent...well, not mine i'm a bit posh really

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: NOOO!!! Don't be engulfed by gangstaanesss!!

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: let me move away from here then maybe i wont

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: not literally here, but i mean out of england

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i have a posh accent! it does my head in! lol!

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Huh? You live in England?  And...whats Posh??? The spicegirl??? *Is serious here*

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: doesnt with me, it makes me different from everyone else, although there are times where it has

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: oh yeah I am english and posh is an accent where you sound a little bit like royalty

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yeah! i spose!! whos a spice girl?!? i used to have an american accent for sum reason! lol!! ^.^

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: there was a english band of girls once upon a time called spice girls and they all had nick names

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i know!! that~!! but Alphonse Elric sed summit bout a spicegirl! lol

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: oh, we were going on about posh accents and she thought we were on about a spice girl cause i dont think she knew what posh was

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol!! ooooh yeah!!! course!! lol!! ^.^  im slow! lol!

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: im goin now!! toodles!! xxxxxx

2006-05-04 [stephie k]: hehe, anyways gonna have to go, talk some other time

2006-05-04 [Cult Video]: Woah. You guys sure did talk alot.

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol ^__^ I didn't know what ya meant by Posh and your right. I was talking about the band. Heh. Im an idiot too, oh...yea...people seem to be talkative here.

2006-05-05 [Cult Video]: Fun.

2006-05-05 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yays!! talkiativeness!! talking is fun!! lol!

2006-05-05 [stephie k]: GO TALKING!

2006-05-05 [Cult Video]: Yeah.

2006-05-05 [Whiskers]: Spam spam spam!

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